So I haven't written a blog entry in a REALLY long say maybe two years?? I might be a little rusty so please be patient with me...I don't even really know where I am going with this blog or what I want to say....I just know it is time to try again. And that is kind of a metaphor for all of my life. It's time to trust again, it's time to love again, it's time to live again. If you know me well enough to be reading this blog, then you know the last 2 years of my life have been painful in more ways than I would like to recount.
So let me recount what I know with certainty....I know God loves me because He says He does not because I always feel it. I know that their is a handful of people in my life who have seen me through this mess every step of the way. I know that time really is the only thing that helps sometimes. I know that being 28 and single doesn't mean my life is just means it is different than I ever expected, and maybe it will be better than my dreams, but it isn't yet...but I will wait in faith.
So what does 2011 hold that offers hope? A possible trip to Rwanda in the church, Church of the Apostles, in Raleigh has a partnership with our sister church in Rwanda and we want to build that partnership and grow together and that is so much of what I feel called to be a part of. I have felt called to go to Rwanda and be involved with Rwanda in some capacity for so long. Would you pray with me about this as I try discern if it is God's plan for me and if it is financially possible? 2011 also holds my graduation from Nursing School!!! I am looking to work in either a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Special Care Nursery, Post-Partum Floor, or Labor and Delivery Unit. I am trying to discern whether God wants me to stay here in Raleigh or move somewhere else. In so many ways, Raleigh is the first place that has felt like home since Wooster, Ohio but there are also hard things about being here. So I really am needing God to help me know what is the best choice for me here.
More words later...this is just the start of me trying again....thank you for all of you who have prayed for this day for's here.
Much love,