Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What If?

What if there was not should or ought or could or might? What if we lived in the Christ centered, "I want to"? How would your life look different today? Here are just a few of mine:

1. I would take steps to travel and see more of the world

2. I would become a Compassion advocate

3. I would pursue foster care

4. I would read more novels

5. I would learn how to cook more meals

6. I would eat more produce

7. I would make homemade applesauce

8. I would ask my sister-in-law if she wanted to study the Bible

9. I would write my music pastor and ask him to consider leading nights of worship at our church accompanied by nothing else

10. I would make more photo albums and scrapbooks

11. I would learn more difficult patterns in knitting

12. I would join a kick boxing class

13. I would wake up and spend time with Jesus every morning

14. I would take a photography class

15. I would visit Sarim in Cambodia, heck I would return her call from a year ago

16. I would speak only the good thoughts that come into my head and ask Jesus to help me crucify every bad one

17. I would plant a garden

18. I would live away from the city in a log home

19. I would stop complaining

20. I would spend full days with Christ alone

21. I would find babies that need to be held and hold them

22. I would go home to see my grandpa

23. I would trust that God is who He says He is and He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.

24. I would go to the doctor for some health issues I have put off

25. I would keep my home clean

26. I would laugh more

I'll stop there...but what if I took steps towards these, like focused on one for 2 weeks and then moved onto another. I mean, I can't buy a log home right now, but what if I started saving money for one or called 1-800-loghome? Or what if I booked a ticket to Ohio to see my grandpa? Or what if I contacted Celeste Kern about that missionary family in Ireland and figured out what trip would take? Or what if I watched my favorite comedian on YouTube today and laughed? Well I am gonna do it and I'll share with you my answers to my What Ifs as they come....

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