Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Two In a Row???

Before I started my blog, I thought I will do this once a week. As you all can see, it has tended to be more like once a year. Not real consistent, kind of a theme in my life. So in 2011 I decided that I would try for this once a week thing again...haven't been perfect, but better. And today I find myself called off of work and time to write on my blog two days in a row..so here it goes...
So I've been really low these last 2 years as you've picked up from my posts...and it is almost like I am afraid to be "better" because then I could get worse again. A little twisted for sure. So I'm really trying to get close to Jesus, to get intimate with him while I'm still low so that I don't continue my trend of thinking low times are God's punishment to me. So I am listening to this fabulous CD from the women's retreat I went on with my church this weekend and this one song I just keep playing over and over with open hands towards heaven...my faith hasn't felt this right this good in years, but this song...I just hear us singing the chorus at the wedding feast of the Lamb and having our hands raised high and tears streaming down our face...
G D Em
My friends may you grow in grace
And in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour
G D Em
My friends may you grow in grace
and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ

Chorus: To God be the glory, now and forever
now and forever, amen
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever amen.

We were made to worship...how little do we worship our Saviour and Lord? I have been thinking about what would rejuvenate the hearts of God's people and there is something about worship that no amount of Bible reading, praying, or good preaching can do for us. It requires our voice, our mind and our body to be really worshipping. When we give God the glory due His name, He gives us something back that is greater than what we gave. I challenge us: middle, class American Christians...put on your praise music, lift up your hands and dance in worship to your Saviour...let the Spirit bless You!

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