Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ravi Said It Better....

"In the cross alone, pain and evil meet in consummate conflict. In the cross alone are integrated love and justice, the twin foundations upon which we may build our moral and spiritual home, individually and nationally. It is theoretically and practically impossible to build any community apart from love and justice. If only one of thse two is focused upon, an inevitable extremism and perversion follow. Throughout history, mankind has shouted ideals of liberty, equality, and justice; yet the ideologies that have risen, supposedly in the pursuit of human progress, have left in their wake some very dastardly experiments that echo with the whimpering sounds of man, like a trapped animal. Rising above the cry of liberty, equality, and justice is the more rending plea for that sense of belonging we call love. And love unbounded by any sense of right or wrong is not love but self-centeredness and autocracy. In the cross of Jesus Christ, the demands of the law were satisfied, and the generosity of love was expressed." (emphasis mine)

Excerpt taken from "Can Man Live without God" by Ravi Zacharias

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